"...and then I have nature and art and poetry, and if that is not enough, what is enough?”
-Van Gogh
Dilmit feels Van Gogh was addressing those words directly to her. She is a self-taught artist who derives inspiration from her natural surroundings. She paints in both oil and watercolors and strives to capture light, shade and shadow. Watercolor allows her to be loose, airy and sketchy and the buttery spread of oil color gives her the freedom to capture the robustness of people, places and things.
Her daily practice extends to sketching, plein air painting and replicating the works of masters. Studying her favorite artists like Monet and the impressionists has helped her recognize her style; and the inspiration for pursuing both mediums, watercolor and oil, comes from Sargent. In the last couple years, she has taken workshops with many established local artists and is grateful for their insights. Her work has received multiple awards at neighborhood shows and been juried into, among others, The Mid-Valley Arts League and the California Art Club.
As a teacher and writer, she gives readers and viewers insight into her artwork by walking them through the stories that inspired her. She attributes her energy to interactive activities like reading, writing, traveling, hiking and gardening that ultimately stimulate the creative expression. She delights in her interactions with students as she shares her skill and knowledge of art.
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